Use the schedule import template to quickly add all games, for all levels of a specific sports team at once. Find the import template for scheduling here.
To Import a Schedule
- Click Events in Left Hand Navigation
- Select Schedule Importer
- Click the + Button
- Select the Sport
- Upload the Template with all information
- The import template is particular with the formatting and text. Please do not change or delete any columns; it must remain on the import even if they will not be used.
- Columns
- Date: Formatting must be mm/dd/yy
- Example: 3/14/22
- To change the Formatting: Highlight the entire cell, click Format, and Select Cells from the Top Navigation, select Date, then Select the 3/14/12 format, click OK. This will format all times entered into the column into the appropriate format.
- Date: Formatting must be mm/dd/yy
- Columns
- The import template is particular with the formatting and text. Please do not change or delete any columns; it must remain on the import even if they will not be used.
- Time: Formatting must be hh:mm AM or hh:mm PM
- Example: 2:15 PM
- To Change the Formatting: Highlight the entire cell, click Format, and Select Cells from the Top Navigation, select Time, then Select the 1:30 PM format, click OK. This will format all times entered into the column into the appropriate format.
- Time: Formatting must be hh:mm AM or hh:mm PM
- Level: The levels must be written out to import correctly.
- Example: Varsity, Junior Varsity, Frosh/Soph, Freshman, Sophomore etc.
- Game Type: Must be written out to import correctly.
- Options for Game Type are: Non-League, League, Tournament, Scrimmage, Playoffs, State/Regional, Wildcard.
- Home Team: Type in School
- Away Team: Type in School
- For Both Home and Away teams please leave out High School when typing in the School Name.
- Example: Mission Viejo
- For Both Home and Away teams please leave out High School when typing in the School Name.
- Level: The levels must be written out to import correctly.
- Click Submit
- The import will populate all information for you and indicate if a section is missing with a Red Box and !
- Fix any of the errors
- Click Save and Next
- Review the Schedule One More time to Verify all information is correct
- Click Submit
The games will be added to all of the school schedules.
To Edit
- Click Events
- Select Schedule Importer
- Click on the pencil icon of the Import you would like to edit
- Make the necessary changes
- Click Save & Next
- Confirm Changes were made
- Click Submit
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