FAQs - Florida Athletic Clearances
- How do I create an account? (Athletic Clearances in Florida)
- I forgot my password. What can I do to recover my password? (Athletic Clearances in Florida)
- I don't remember my email username. How can I retrieve my account username? (Athletic Clearances in Florida)
- How can I update my email username/password? (Athletic Clearance in Florida)
- What do I do if my school or sport is not listed? (Athletic Clearance in Florida)
- I am a multi-sport athlete. Can I complete the clearance for all sports at once? (Athletic Clearances in Florida)
- How do I add additional students? (Athletic Clearances in Florida)
- I need to make updates to the information I entered. How can I update my existing information? (Athletic Clearance on Florida)
- How do I complete the Signature Section? (Athletic Clearances in Florida)
- Where can I find the Pre-Participation Physical Form? (Athletic Clearances in Florida)
- Where can we upload the completed Pre-Participation Form? (Athletic Clearance in Florida)
- Updating an Expired EL2 Physical
- How can I replace an uploaded File? (Athletic Clearance in Florida)
- I have finished the process, why isn't my student Cleared? (Athletic Clearances in Florida)