Click on Users – Users Manager in the Left-Hand Navigation Bar to see all of the Users associated with your school.
To add Coach User
- Click on the + Button on the Users Manager Page
- Or Click Users – Create School User in the Left-Hand Navigation bar
- Type in All Required Information indicated by an *
- Select Head or Assistant Coach
- Choose Status of Active
- Select whether you would like to coach to have access to all sports
- Indicating yes will allow them access to all sports
- Choosing No will allow them only access to sports there are assigned
- Choose Sport
- Select Level
- Indicate Coach Type
- Check off Permissions you would like to the coach to have access
- Click Save and add Another if the Coach coaches multiple levels of a sport and/or multiple sports
- You must add in all levels (Varsity, JV, Frosh/Soph) for a Coach to have access to all of the levels)
- Click Save to add the user
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